Financial setbacks can happen to anybody. It might be because of bad decisions, retrenchment, divorce, or even the death of a partner. Debt counselling makes it possible to maintain a healthy credit score once again after a setback.



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1. Did sickness kill your finances?

Help me heal my finances

2. Did Covid steal your job?

Remove the virus from my finances.

3. Is the price of petrol pushing you over the edge?

Help me fill my tank with dignity again

4. Have you been an innocent victim of fraud or a scam?

Help me restore faith in my finances

5. Divorced?

Help – I cannot do this alone

6. Did your partner pass away with no life cover?

Help – grieving and finances are too much.

How we can help to sort out your debt:

  • We use our expertise and negotiate with banks and creditors to lower your monthly debt payments.
  • When DebtHealth assists you, you are legally protected. Debt counselling decreases summonses and judgements. Your assets will also not be repossessed.
  • You only have one consolidated monthly payment – making your life easier with a bit more cash.

Let Drini help you improve your finances. Fill out the form and she will call you:

We can help

Expect a call from Drini after you submit this form from 012 007 1441 or 060 365 7889.