+(27) 60 365 7889

Bad things can happen to good people

Life happens to all of us. Sometimes we successfully sidestep the potholes and manage to duck from the unexpected stones thrown our way, but sometimes we are not so lucky. Getting yourself into financial trouble does not make you a bad person; it makes you human. And indeed sometimes bad things happen to good people.

“At DebtHealth we understand that one difficult chapter in your life does not determine the rest of your life. If financial difficulty and debt that became out of control is causing a difficult chapter in your life, we can help you getting back control by means of debt counselling,” says Martheli Kruger, lawyer at DebtHealth.

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary describes “counselling” as “professional advice about a problem”. That is pretty much what DebtHealth is all about, with the difference that debt counselling is not only about getting professional advice about financial problems, it also is about taking hands with professionals to actually solve the problem.

  • Did you take out a loan during lockdown to cover the loss in salary?
  • Is the price of petrol and food pushing you over the edge?
  • Increased monthly expenses but no salary increase?
  • Did sickness or an unexpected diagnosis kill your finances?
  • Did you lose your business during lockdown?
  • Are you totally lost without your credit card?
  • Have you been an innocent victim of fraud or a scam?
  • Divorced?
  • Did your partner pass away without any life cover that paid out?

“You do not need to be a bad person to get into financial trouble. You only need to be a person trying to make a living,” says Kruger.

You qualify to apply for debt counselling if you have a fixed income and not being able to repay all of your debt on time. DebtHealth can negotiate lower interest rates and monthly payments.

If your finances are out of control, trust DebtHealth to join you in a journey getting back control again.
Drini Oosthuizen will gladly assist. You can WhatsApp her (060 365 7889), send her an email (clientcare@dhsa.co.za) or visit the website.

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